We strive to be the engineering firm of choice, through personal attention to our clients’ success, and the ongoing development of our people.
Partners from Concept to CompletionTM
Partnership | Excellence | Quality | Sustainability
At The HIDI Group, we have always placed importance on ownership and transparency – as a 100% employee owned company, we enable our team to play a vital part in the firm’s direction, decision-making, and sharing of our founding principles and values.
The CityTV Calgary Headquarters project was comprised of the installation of a new 225kVA generator and 130kVA UPS, complete with new HVAC and diesel fuel fill system. The generator was a roof mounted packaged unit and the new UPS was located in a new parkade UPS room.
The mechanical systems included the fuel oil system, HVAC for the UPS, fuel storage rooms and the existing telecom room. The diesel fuel system was filled from the back access lane and stored in the basement fuel storage room (converted from an existing storage room) and then pumped to the rooftop generator.
The electrical systems included new emergency power feeders from the generator to the transfer switch and secondary feeders to connect the new transfer switch to the existing technical power distribution. The generator and UPS systems were designed to carry all technical power requirements for the broadcasting facility, including provisions for future expansion.
In addition to the provision of mechanical and electrical design, The HIDI Group acted as the prime consultant responsible for engaging the architectural and structural consultants, developing the contract for construction, and permit applications to the City of Calgary.